Simple Guideline On How To Check For Blown Fuse In A Car

A blown fuse can be annoying, but it actually helps prevent electrical damage and fire. A fuse is a low-resistance resistor device that protects a circuit from becoming overloaded. It is a short piece of wire that is designed to melt and break apart when exposed to an excess of electrical current. A fuse is connected in series to the circuit it protects and are inexpensive and easy to replace. Sometimes checking for and replacing blown fuse is easy and can be done without the help of a technician. We will look at a simple guide line on how to locate and inspect for blown fuse.

The most common fuse in a car to blow is the 12V power outlet located in the front seats, also known as the cigarette lighter power outlet where often cell phone chargers are plugged in. This is often caused by leaving a cell phone charger in it for a long time, or occasional stray coin or current conducting materials falling into an exposed power outlet.

Fuses are housed in a fuse box. Some cars have multiple fuse boxes with many different fuses. If something electrical in your vehicle suddenly stops working, start by checking the fuse box. The following steps are how to troubleshoot a potential fuse problem.

Locate The Fuse Box

Before you proceed, you must have a flash light, needle-nose pliers or fuse puller and testing light. Most cars have more than one fuse box. Some vehicles may even have three or four. Car manufacturers tend to install fuse boxes in different locations depending on the make of the car. It is best to refer to your owner’s manual to locate the fuse box you need, and also to determine which fuse controls each circuit.

Inspect All Fuses Visually

Most fuse boxes will have a diagram displaying the name and location of each fuse.

Step 1: With the car completely off, locate the fuse in question and remove it by grabbing it firmly with a pair of needle nose-pliers or fuse puller.

Step 2: Hold the fuse up to the light and check the metal wire for signs of damage or a break. If you see either of these, you will have to replace the fuse.

Use The Test Light

If you do not have a fuse diagram to locate a specific fuse, you can test each fuse individually with a test light.

Step 1:  Turn the key to position two on the ignition, also known as Key On, Engine Off (KOEO).

Step 2: Attach the clip for the test light to any bare metal, and use the probe of the test light to touch each end of a fuse. If the fuse is good, the test light will light up on both sides of the fuse. If the fuse is bad, only one side will illuminate the test light.

NOTE: Use a computer-safe test light, preferably one with an LED light, as probing unknown fuses with an older style test light may draw excessive current. If you test a fuse for the airbag, it may deploy – so be careful!

Replacing The Bad Fuse

Once the damaged fuse is detected, be sure to replace it with a fuse of the same type and amp rating. If you are not sure that the fuse you intend to replace is the same with the new one, take the bad fuse to a car parts shop to get an exact match in order to avoid getting a wrong one. Fuses are sold at any auto parts or hardware store or dealership.

Identifying and replacing a damaged fuse on your own can save you time and money. However, if the same fuse is blowing repeatedly or if certain electrical components are not working still after replacing a bad fuse, it is advisable to enlist a certified technician to make a comprehensive inspection on the electrical system in order to identify the reason why the fuse keeps blowing.

You can schedule an inspection/repair appointment with an expert by following this link I need to inspect my vehicle

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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