5 Things Your Mechanic Won’t Tell You (Until It’s Too Late)

Have you ever taken your car to a mechanic for a small issue, only to be told your engine, tires, and even your steering wheel need urgent replacement? My brother, you are not alone! Some mechanics won’t tell you everything—at least, not until your wallet is already crying.Before your next visit to the workshop, here are five secrets your mechanic might be keeping from you!

That ‘Major Fault’ Might Not Be Major at All

Ever gone for an oil change and somehow ended up with a bill for a full engine overhaul? Some mechanics exaggerate issues to make you panic and spend more. Always get a second opinion before agreeing to expensive repairs.

You Don’t Always Need ‘Original’ Parts

Let’s be honest: not everyone can afford Tokunbo (foreign-used) or brand-new parts. Some mechanics will convince you that only the most expensive parts will work, even when good-quality alternatives exist. Do your research before buying anything!

Frequent Oil Changes Are Not Always Necessary

Not all cars need an oil change every month. Some mechanics will happily take your money for unnecessary services. Check your car manual for the actual oil change schedule—it’s usually after a specific mileage, not based on vibes. Find your car manual HERE for free.

That ‘Check Engine’ Light Might Be a False Alarm

A glowing check engine light doesn’t always mean your car is about to explode. Sometimes, it’s just a minor issue, like a loose fuel cap or a sensor glitch. Before you panic, get a proper diagnosis.

Labor Charges Depend on How ‘Big’ You Look

If you pull up in a flashy car wearing agbada, be ready to hear, “Oga, the problem bad o!” Some mechanics charge based on how wealthy you look. To avoid this, dress casually and act like you know cars—even if all you know is how to change the radio station!

Mechanics are important, but being informed saves you from unnecessary expenses. Next time you visit a workshop, don’t just nod—ask questions!

Need a good mechanic? Look no further, visit SpotDem Repair Store for affordable and authentic car repair service. Also, share your most shocking mechanic experience in the comments section.

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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