An alarm system is a fantastic method to keep your car safe from thieves and unwanted intruders if you’re looking for a solution to keep it safe. Alarm systems come in a number of different forms, from simple but effective door sensors to modern and sophisticated proximity alarms. Here’s how to know and use your car’s alarm system to keep it safe.
The Basics
Car alarms are made up of a number of components. Today’s car alarms are made up of:
- A computer
- A receiver that responds to your keycode
- A loudspeaker
- Several sensors
The operation of a car alarm is simple. When the alarm is powered on, and a sensor response, the alert sounds. The auto alarm stays operational but silent and undetectable when the sensors detect no unexpected activity.
A door sensor and a tilt or shock sensor are frequently the only sensors found in older car alarm systems. Modern car alarms have anywhere from two to ten separate sensors installed.
Car Alarm Sensors
Modern car alarm sensors are built to respond to a wide range of security risks. These includes
- The possibility of a break-in through a car door
- Impact damage
- And simply loud noise in the proximity of the vehicle.
The alarm’s computer is connected to all of these sensors. If any of these sensors are activated, it sends a signal to the computer, which activates the alarm.
Door Sensors
Door sensors are the most common sensors utilized in standard car alarm systems. The sensors transmit a signal to the computer that triggers the alarm when the doors are disturbed. They normally don’t stop a thief from towing your car away.
Shock and Impact Sensors
Shock and impact sensors detect hits and impacts in and around the car, such as someone breaking a window glass. The shock sensors detect the hit and send a signal to the alarm’s computer, which activates the car alarm.
Since shock sensors sound the car alarm, this may occasionally trigger the alarm whenever there is disturbance or movement within the car vicinity.
Microphone Sensors
Microphone sensors detect loud, unexpected noises, such as a window shattering. They’re made to take into account the ambient noise level in the vicinity around the car. This means that the sensor will listen for a sudden change in sound level in noisy places, which could indicate a break-in.
Tilt Sensors
Tilt sensors monitor the angle of the car, preventing thieves from towing it away. The tilt sensor delivers a signal to the computer, which activates the alarm, if the car’s angle changes.
Tilt sensors check a car’s tilt level by using mercury, which conducts electricity. When the angle of the car suddenly changes, the mercury flows to one side, activating the switch and blaring the alarm.
Proximity Sensors
Proximity sensors often known as perimeter scanners, monitor the area surrounding the vehicle. These sensors are most commonly seen in recent cars, especially high-end ones.
Because proximity sensors detect movement surrounding the car, false alarms are common. The majority of current proximity sensors are designed to calculate how close an object is to the car and only turn on if it gets too close.
Car alarm system is necessary. If you don’t have one it is important to install one. You can shop for one HERE