The reasons of traffic accidents are not as complex as we may believe. While some car accidents are unavoidable, the majority can be avoided. There are some causes that are more common than others when it comes to accidents. Knowing what causes a collision could help you avoid having one of your own. The most common causes of road accidents are listed below.

This is without a doubt the leading cause of traffic accidents. Driving necessitates complete concentration. Paying more attention to a mobile device, passengers, or other things while driving can be a disaster waiting to happen. When you’re behind the wheel, keep in mind that your primary goal is to arrive at your destination safely.
Over Speeding

It is not advisable to speed past on the highway, usually above the speed limit. Keep in mind that your reaction time will be slower the quicker you drive. Maintain a manageable speed restriction if you need to avoid an accident.
Under The Influence

Certain chemicals, such as alcoholic beverages, may dull or change the brain’s function. Getting behind the wheel after using any mind-altering substance is dangerous not only to yourself but also to others. Your reaction times have slowed, and your ability to make decisions has been harmed. Avoid driving if you decide to drink.

When driving, it is critical to have a clear view of the road. Visibility on the road is affected by bad weather and nighttime. Driving in the rain causes the road to slip and can result in a slide without notice. Drive extra cautiously if you’re stranded in a rainstorm. Even if you believe your tyres are properly adhering to the road, chances are they aren’t. Don’t take a chance.
Reckless Driving

Weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating, running a red light and driving in the wrong direction are all examples of careless driving, and each one has the potential to result in a major collision. Back off and give them space if you see anyone driving like this near you.