Signs To Look Out For That Leads To Engine Damage


Engine failure is a costly damage that no vehicle owner wants to experience. Before a vehicle engine packs-up, there are signs that points out that things aren’t just fine. Carelessness and negligence by owners are often factors that leads to this problem. According to one of American leading online car repair services, there are signs to look out for indicating your engine is going to it’s grave.

  1.  Check Engine Light Activates: This is always the very first indication that shows something is not quite right with your engine. Check Engine Light mechanism is installed by automobile manufacturers to give you early warning sign when your engine is having issues.  This light generally illuminates when detecting engine issues stemming from loss of power. These issues range in type, severity and implications to your vehicle. If your check engine light activates, it’s recommend getting an engine diagnostic service to determine the issue.  If your check engine light is flashing, it’s recommend stopping driving immediately and calling for a tow. A flashing light indicates that something potentially serious could be occurring within one of your vehicle’s systems. Stay on top of all of the systems in your vehicle by decoding your dashboard. Click to contact us for Diagnostic Scan
  2. Loss Of Power: Most petrol-powered vehicles are designed with an internal combustion engine. These car engines use a four-stroke combustion cycle to convert petrol into the power needed to make your vehicle move. The four strokes are the intake stroke, compression stroke, combustion stroke and exhaust stroke. The loss of power you are experiencing could be stemming from a hiccup from any one of these four steps (strokes) in the combustion process.
  3. Fuel Mileage Drop-Off: If you notice the distance your fuel tank takes you is not what it used to be, it could be an indication that there is an issue in the compression stroke of your engine. In this instance, using a fuel cleaner, or having a fuel system service performed, may clear up the issue. Depending on how long it has been, it might be worth considering a tune-up. If these two recommendations do not help the fuel mileage front, having an engine diagnostic performed might provide you with the information and options you are looking for to correct the issue.
  4. Noise Galore: Knocking, backfiring, hissing, spitting and popping are all sounds we do not want to hear when we start our vehicles. These noises can occur when there is an abnormality in the combustion flow. If you are hearing engine knocking, popping, spitting or your vehicle backfires, have it serviced ASAP.
  5. Engine Stalling: Many of us who have learned to drive on a manual transmission understand the nature of an engine stall. For those who are unfamiliar, when the clutch pedal and gas pedal are not engaged at the right speed, your car will stop and require a restart – a most frustrating and embarrassing event – especially in traffic. The frequency of stalling for an automatic transmission is far less common and generally serves as an implication that something is wrong with an engine component. This “wrong” can vary but is usually due to the intake stroke not receiving the right spark or air/fuel mixture. If your manual transmission is stalling (and that stall is not due to human error – don’t worry, it happens to the best of us) or your automatic transmission is stalling, have it seen by a professional as soon as possible. This stalling can lead to greater issues and the fix might be as simple as having a tune-up performed.
  6. Odors: When the exhaust stroke of your internal combustion engine is starting to fail, it could give off a noxious odor and dense smoke from the exhaust. Much like the familiar sounds of imminent failure, this odor is a tip-off that your vehicle needs attention from a professional.
  7. Engine Continues To Run After Ignition Is Turned Off: This occurrence, also known as run-on and dieseling, is most common with high-performance vehicles and usually happens when the octane in the petrol is incorrect. Other culprits could be a failing solenoid or an over-active carburetor. If this is happening with your vehicle, your local repair shop will have the answers you need to get your vehicle back to maximum performance. Click here to find a repair shop around your area or schedule an appointment with our technicans
  8. Rough Running Engine: If your engine is running or idling rough the fix might be as simple as a tune-up. The most common cause of a rough running engine is clogs in the system or old spark plugs. Other issues could be an incorrect octane in the gasoline or a low battery.

Paying close attention to your car is very important. Early detection can save you lots of money in repairs or replacement of damaged engine.

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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One comment

  1. The check engine light is a very common light in many dashboards

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