How To Solve Transmission VTM-4 Lock In Acura MDX

2001 to 2004 Acura MDX has become a popular SUV for lots of lower/medium income Nigerians today. We all know that Acura is a luxury brand of Honda. Given it’s reputation for excellent fuel economy, Honda also developed a great All Wheel Drive (AWD) technology that’s quite commendable. But such great features comes with it’s own downside, VTM-4 faults being one of them.

The VTM-4 switch takes care of the auxiliary which is the rear wheel differential. It is characterized by many symptoms but the most common is the D5 blinking and gear slipping. Below is a video that explains how this can be solved.

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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