Caution: Things Never To Do When Driving In The Rain

If you are a motorist in Nigeria, you’ll know that there’s always a good chance it’ll probably be raining when you go out to drive, especially during the rainy season months.

The heavier the rain is, the more hazardous driving can be, so a cautious approach is warranted. Here we explain things you should absolutely try and avoid while driving in rainy conditions.

1.) Don’t Drive Really Close To The Side Of The Road 

Roads tend to be made so that they’re highest in the middle. Although the height difference is subtle, this design means that water will run off from the centre hump and drain towards the edges during heavy rain showers. If you’re moving too close to the side of the road, you’re more likely to hit standing water with your car’s wheels. This means your vehicle will have less grip or traction on the road and control of your vehicle will be difficult especially when speeding. As a result, you are likely to hit debris on the side of the road which you would have avoided.

2.) Don’t Charge Through A River If There’s One On The Road

If a rain spell is particularly intense, then enough water may build up on the roads to form rivers or very large puddles on certain patches. Frankly, it is always best to avoid driving through rivers on the road if you come across one, even if your destination is on the other side of it. A stream of rainwater on the road can often be deeper than drivers first estimate and the water can do devastating damage to a car’s internals if its deep enough.

If a driver takes their car through a rainwater river that proves deeper than expected, then losing the ability to even accelerate or steer through the patch of water can easily occur. Some motorists might think that approaching such situations in an aggressive, speedy manner will solve this. Really though you’re more likely to just create a mess and have more water disrupting things like the engine and cooling fans.

3.) Don’t Drive Fast On Downhill Sections

In heavy rain conditions, extra caution is especially required while driving on a road that’s going downhill. Even if you’ve got a car with four-wheel drive and various sophisticated driving aids, there’s a risk in this particular scenario of aquaplaning. Aquaplaning is something that can occur if a car goes over a road covered in water fast enough that all four wheels are lifted off the road by a cushion of water and all traction is lost.

If the weather is creating enough water on a sloped road to potentially cause aquaplaning, the way to avert this is by simply keeping your car’s speed low.

4.) Don’t Use Your Rear Fog Lights

While it is raining, thing may get dark even if it’s the middle of the day so you and others may decide to turn your car’s lights on. Depending on how hampered visibility is because of the rain, you may decide having the full headlamps on is preferable, but one thing that’s best avoided even in rough conditions is using the rear fog lights.

This is a bad idea when it’s raining because not only could you dazzle drivers behind, but these lights can also mask your brake lights, potentially leading you to be rear-ended.

5.) Don’t Go Through Puddles At High Speed If Pedestrians Are Near

When you’re driving in the rain and there’s puddles on the road, it’s a simple courtesy to consider whether there are any pedestrians or cyclists near a puddle when you’re just about to reach it.

If you see this situation, it’s best to either drive around the puddle if you can or slow down so you don’t create a big splash from the puddle you drive through. Splashing those nearby with your car is not only a lame thing to do, it can also land you in trouble with the police.

Great caution is needed during this rain season. This will save not just your life or someone else’s but also help to prevent expensive damage to your car. Drive Safe.

About Nonso Okafor

I've worked as a technical support representative in major auto centers in Nigeria for more than twenty years. I have dealt with a variety of problems in my capacity as a customer service representative and auto diagnostics expert. I'm committed to assisting people in properly maintaining their automobiles and in appreciating this magnificent innovation known as an automobile.

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